Sunday, September 30, 2007
When Daddy babysits . . .
Daddy David was babysitting. While he watched his BYU football game, Bria sat next to him in her high chair. Occasionally, David would toss a fishy cracker or two in her general direction. Being bored to tears (by football, of course), this is what happened.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
The Balloon Festival!
David planned a way cute Friday Date Night: the Hot Air Balloon Festival! The three of us enjoyed watching the huge, colorful balloons inflate and soar above us. Bria may have noticed the balloons, but she was busy eating grass and staring at the weirdos.

Anyone who's nursing can understand . . .

This guys was definitely my favorite: The Jack Pirate!
Anyone who's nursing can understand . . .
This guys was definitely my favorite: The Jack Pirate!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
The State Fair
Ahh . . . the State Fair. We didn't see as many mullets as we expected, but there was no lack of bovine and equine folk. We saw a live horse birthing, huge belt buckles and all manner of deep fried fare -- from deep fried twinkies to pickles to Snickers to fried mashed potatoes on a stick. At least Emily got her hand-dipped corndog. And Bria got her CareBear--courageously won by daddy's skillfull dart popping!
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Tio Gabriel
It was so fun to have David's brother, Gabe, visit us this weekend. Best of luck to him at school!